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My New Addiction and Reign-Inspired Accessories

I have a new addiction and it's the TV series called Reign. I know the first season just ended and I'm way behind it. The show's excitement has probably died down on your end but not for me. I'm in love with the show, and the romance between Mary and Francis. They're a cute and adorable couple.

But that's not the only reason I spent copious amounts on the computer and smartphone streaming the show and finishing the entire in less than two weeks. For one, the show had me in their soundtrack. So beautiful and romantic. Two, the dresses,or shall I say the costumes, are lovely. The story is based on the history of Mary, Queen of Scots, peppered with romance and drama, but my, oh my, they added a modern touch to their clothes. So gorgeous! And three, which happens to be the main reason I love it, is their accessories. They're just amazing. Here are images I got from

This images are not mine. They're from

See what I'm talking about? Although the drama's period is set in the 16th century, their costumes aren't boring to look at. I even find them lovely and interesting that I went ahead and made some earrings inspired by the show. Here they are:

For the first and third design (which are practically the same except for the wires used), it was inspired from one of the pairs of earrings Queen Mary wore. I tried to look for a clip of that scene but couldn't find it. The 2nd, however, was something that came out of my mind. I like that it's vintage-y, which is something they would probably wear in that era. I still have one coming, but I ran of tiny glass crystals so that will have to wait.

In the meantime, I'm selling them over at my Facebook page, Drea Drazz Handmade Wire Jewelry. If you want to buy a pair, just channel your order through the page. I hope to see you there.

Anyway, that's my recent addiction. And while my 'gusto' for the show hasn't faded yet, I'm going to make more designs in between item orders.

By the way, if you're a stickler for history, you might find the show a disappointment. Although the shows is about a Scottish queen of yesteryears, some points in the story aren't really historically accurate. For example, Francis is not tall and hot, like how he was portrayed in the show, but rather short and sickly. But if you're in for drama and romance, you might like the show like I do. I like period dramas, but I don't dwell on accuracy that much. I'm more in for the emotional high and gorgeous costumes and accessories.

Happy Monday!


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