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Weekend Getaway on a Holiday

On National Heroes' Day, being a no-work holiday here in the Philippines, I had the opportunity to go with my brother's family to Mt. View Nature's Park. It was a supposed to be an outing for his company, but since it's mostly run and managed by him, my sister in law and my other brother, it ended up to be a family outing as well, with a buddy of his and his daughter. 

The day started out as sunny, and we were pretty stoked. I, in particular, as they don't always you invite us to their getaway. Anyhow, I was glad for the chance to spend time with my nephews and niece. Sadly it had to end quickly because by mid morning, the temperatures up in the mountain park started to drop. By lunch time, it was already foggy and drizzling. 

But before we called it a day, I took my darling niece on a little trip to see the kalaws or the Philippine hornbills, a lone but crazy monkey and a peaceful python(?) snake. You can see from the pictures above that she was excited to see kalaws and the monkey, but not too ecstatic to see the snake.  She also enjoyed riding on the back of the zebra statue. She even made a joke about it, which is quite amusing for a 3-year-old to say.

Thankfully, the fog lifted and we were able to drive safely down the mountains in time for a late lunch, and me to continue cleaning our room. 

It was a short activity. Nevertheless, it was fun. 

If you want to visit the place, these might come in handy:

Entrance fee: P50.00/person
Swimming Pool: P100.00/person

There are lots of other things to do in the park. Not just swimming. The view is stunning, especially at night, so you might want to stay overnight. I haven't tried staying at one of their cottages but the say that a P1,200-cottage can fit 5 to 10 people.

I took a picture of the contact numbers in case you want to make reservations.


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