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Thank God for Friends (Part 2)

The crazy friends: Amor, Dara, Reasol, Janice (she would've sat beside Reasol if she came. bleh!)

La Vie Parisienne's dining area

Hubs who had a hard time following our girl talk.
Ate Jo, the official photographer

Al fresco dining area with Angel Moroni in the back drop

The famous Pink House

Ate Jo's former primary kids except Amor (who is adopted)

The world of Pizza house

I found it weird to see a pan of pizza with sunny side up.

Hubs and I. Aint he a cutie?

La Vie Parisienne's dining area at night. Ain't it lovely?

Selfies ^_^
and more selfies ^_^

One of the things that I'm grateful is the assurance that no matter where life takes us I'll always have friends to keep me sane. 

Last week, I had the chance to meet up with one of my oldest friends, Reasol and Amor. Actually, Reasol and I go a long, long way back. During our primary days to be exact. My family moved into this uptown part of Cebu City, and she was the first person I became friends with at church.  Amor, on the other hand, well, we only became friends during our youth days thanks to stake youth conferences. She attended a different church ward that's why. But when her family moved and went to the same church we do, well, things have never been the same. 

We've since moved on with our lives, found love and a new family, but we've remained friends, even though we keep in touch mostly online. Last weekend was the perfect time to get together again before Reasol sailed back to Mindanao.

It was a fun time. Too bad our other friend, Janice, wasn't able to make it. We met up at the French bakery I blogged about a few months ago. At first, I thought we were just going to catch up for an hour or two, but it lasted well until past dinner time. We just chatted and ate. Then chatted and ate again like there was no tomorrow. hehehe.

I don't know when we'll see each other again, so it was great that we had the chance to meet up. To Reasol and Amor, God be with you till we meet again. 

Cheers to friendship!


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